Weaning Puppies To A Raw Food Diet
written by Marina Zacharias
"Remember that every ounce, every particle of food contributes
to the strength of puppy limbs, therefore let every meal given be of maximum
health in natural concentration and preparation.
A properly weaned puppy is a joy to see and possess. It has come
into the world with a set of brand-new organs: heart, brain, liver, kidneys, etc.
All are new, clean and unspoiled. It is each puppy's right that it be fed foods
which will not damage or degenerate its new body, but improve and safeguard
its health, so that it will never know the pain and distress of worm infestation,
rickets, scouring, skin eruptions."
---Source: Juliette de Bairacli Levy
With this as an early inspiration, the fundamental procedure I use for
weaning puppies was based directly on the details outlined in Juliette's book
"The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat".
I start the weaning in the fourth week (Juliette is very firm on not starting
earlier). This begins with using goat's milk (raw, unpasturized, if you can find it)
as a base. Thicken this by adding about 1 tablespoon of raw honey per quart
of goat's milk. Then for extra nutrition, strengthen the milk by adding
approximately 1 teaspoon of NR Tree Bark Gruel per puppy to be fed. This
mixture is warmed to a tepid degree (lukewarm not hot) and introduced to
the litter.
Several days later, when they are eating this mix well, begin thickening it with
fine ground barley (or oat) flakes--HUMAN GRADE. (At this point the puppy's
digestive system simply cannot digest animal feed grade grains. You might as
well feed sawdust.) The barley flakes should be ground to a fine powder for
best digestion. I use a food processor for this but a small hand grinder also
works just as well. If you are unable to find barley flakes, then substitute barley
baby cereal. Add a small amount of Flax Oil (cold pressed) and a little NR
Special Blend to the meal.
When using this gruel, I give about a 1/2 cup per puppy (amount will of
course vary with the breed of dog) and I increase this amount over time with
the amount of interest the pups show in the gruel.
Towards the end of the fifth week, I start to introduce raw meat (I use
very fine lean ground turkey) as a separate meal. A little bran (oat or wheat)
should be added to the meat for roughage. What we are trying to accomplish
here is to imitate nature as closely as possible.
The natural instinct of the bitch when in the wild state (and common to
all carnivores) is to semi-digest flesh food in her own stomach and then to
vomit up the food for the use of her whelps. If you are unable to find fine
ground turkey, obtain some lean whole turkey thighs (skinless) and put them
through a food processor until they are like mush. Within the next day or two
I increase this to two meat meals per day.
With the meat meal, each individual puppy should be fed in separate
dishes. Competitive feeding causes overeating and thus digestive ailments.
It is natural in the wild for each fox or wolf cub to run off with its portion of
torn flesh and devour this at a safe distance from the other cubs.
At this point I am feeding an early A. M. milk/gruel meal, followed by a
noon milk/gruel meal. Then around 4 PM a meat meal, followed around 8
PM with their last meat meal.
During this introductory time frame I start to introduce grated
vegetables to the evening meat meal. (Ex. grated carrots). Other veggies
can be introduced (one at a time) with each passing day.
Supplements are added the same way. A couple of days after
introducing the meat meals (i.e. when you are sure that they are handling
this O.K.), add a pinch of NR Seaweed Mineral Food to the evening meal.
The following day, crush a NR Herbal Compound tablet and give one
per pup (or less depending on breed).
Next, add a little Vitamin C to the milk/gruel meals and the meat
meals. (If loose stools are seen simply cut back on the dosage).
Greens are very important and should be added to the evening meat
meal. I usually use about 1 teaspoon of 1/2 parsley and 1/2 dandelion
leaves, chopped fine (again through the food processor). Other greens
can be given such as watercress, cress, cilantro, mint leaves, clover, etc.
I also ensure that with each meat meal, a "Cyrofood" tablet is given
to balance the calcium/phosphorus levels.
The remaining supplements I use, such as Vitamin E and NR Daily
Health tablets, and NR Herbal Compound, are introduced as soon as I
am sure that everything else is being handled nicely.
As the pups get a little older they are fundamentally receiving the
same components as are fed to my adults. The milk/gruel meals become
the basis for the grain meal (i.e. gradually reduce milk content and thicken
grain components) and the meat meal is gradually changed from a
"mushy" meat to small chunks, to normal size chunks as they can handle
To complete the weaning process I like to introduce raw bones (for
balanced calcium). I find that chicken wings or necks work well for this
purpose. Please remember these are soft when they are raw. It's only
when they are cooked that they become brittle and can splinter.
By the time the puppies are 8 weeks old they will be on a complete
raw food diet, just like the adults, except that the portions are appropriate
for their age, weight and breed size.