Enzymes: The Master Key To Health
In past articles we have touched on the importance of diet and the questionable
practice of vaccination. We have had the audacity to question even the basic theory
of disease as it is accepted to-day.
We have made some very bold statements about the nature of the immune
system and the ability of the body to take care of itself if we allow it to function as
it was designed to do, by nature.
Are these just the wild flights of imagination? Is there a reality here that can be
grasped and substantiated by modern technology?
In this series on enzymes, we will bring you some of the latest scientific research
that not only confirms what we have been saying, but goes a long way in helping to
understand how the body functions. It will help to explain why nutritional
deficiencies can be a major factor in disease. It will touch on the roll of ‘trace
elements’ so necessary to ‘good health’. It will help us understand the dangers
of ‘suppression’ with drugs, antibiotics and cortisone.
This is such an exciting field of research! There are wonderful new natural enzyme
therapies being developed in many different countries all over the world.
After you have read this series, you will have in your hands, the basic knowledge
to judge the level of understanding of most health care professionals. You will know
when a recommended therapy makes sense and when it is nonsense (i.e. based
on faulty theory").
Don’t be surprised if you end up knowing more then they do.
In ancient times it was known by the Egyptians and the Arabians that there was
an invisible force which made all living things change. It was a ‘mysterious’ force
that transforms one substance into another. Milk became cheese, fruit to wine, etc.
Every living thing is in a constant state of change. Minute by minute, hour
by hour the constituents of our body continue to change. Today we are beginning
to know how this works, through the action and interaction of enzymes that flow
throughout our entire body.
In 1930, we only knew of 80 enzymes. By 1993, more than 2,700 enzymes had
been identified. We do not know how many more are left to be discovered. Each
enzyme is specific in how and where it will react, to generate a predetermined
In technical terms, enzymes are albuminoid macromolecular bodies, with a
complex structure and are active biocatalytically speaking. These albumines are
made of 20 different amino acids.
In biochemistry, when something is designated with the ending "ase," you can
almost be sure that we are talking about an enzyme. In the early stage of the
discovery of enzymes, they were known by names that ended usually with
an "in." like the well-known pepsin and trypsin.
Simply speaking, enzymes are catalysts. Nature does not like to waste energy.
She uses a ‘catalyst’ to produce a big effect with a small effort. Thus an enzyme
could be described as a substance whose presence causes the transformation
of an organic substance and accelerates the change.
So what’s the big deal? Simply this. Enzymes are necessary for the proper
functioning of our whole metabolism. In our body, every part is related to all the
rest so that even one tiny disturbance (biochemically speaking) can result in a
complete imbalance. Diseases are the consequence of this disorder!!
Enzymes are constantly produced within the body. There are certain organic
molecular pieces that in small quantities are required to form these enzymes.
These pieces are the vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Altogether they
are called "co-enzymes". The deficiency of any of these co-enzymes will result
in a specific medical condition. (example: B1 deficiency will cause "beriberi")
These co-enzymes are different from enzymes. Enzymes are made of albumin
and the co-enzymes are not. The enzymes are rather large molecules while
co-enzymes are relatively small. Enzymes are not consumed in the true sense
during their activity, while co-enzymes are consumed and must be replaced
through diet.
Some enzymes live only 20 minutes and must be replaced by new enzymes of
the same type, recently produced. Others remain active for a period of several
weeks before they are eliminated (because of their age).
To do their job, enzymes must be exposed to certain physical conditions.
Each of them need a specific temperature and PH, which causes them to have
different speeds of action.
To give you a rough idea of the speed that enzymes change substratum (the
place where they work), lysozyme (an enzyme that helps in the elimination of
bacteria) produces a change of approximately 30 molecules per minute ( 1
every 2 seconds). The fastest is carboanhydrase, which changes an incredible
36 million parts of substratum in one minute!
To bring about certain tasks of great importance within our organism and
to keep our system in a perfect balance between too much and too little, the
enzymes work most of the time in small continuous steps. This is called
"enzymatic cascade". Like dominoes, one enzyme activates the next enzyme,
and in turn, that enzyme activates another enzyme, until one last enzyme finally
produces the desired effect.
If an enzymatic cascade is wrongly activated, there can be dangerous
consequences that may even lead to death. Thus Mother Nature in her infinite
wisdom built into our system two security systems to protect us from this
The first lock of the security system is to produce new enzymes, but the
characteristic of these enzymes is that they are not active. That is, they will not
work until they are activated by certain changes in the structure of the amino
acids. Thus, the innocuous enzymes flow all over the lymphatic system and
the bloodstream. Whenever the body needs to have a certain effect, a
corresponding enzymatic cascade is activated accordingly!!
The second security system is that nature also provided us with inhibitors
of enzymes. These can stop the activation of the enzymes when the quantity
of enzymes is too large.
There are several other substances that have been discovered to help
neutralize certain enzymes. By this means we can intentionally act on the
process of metabolism. In veterinary medicine, almost all drugs, such as
antibiotics, steroids, etc., are in reality enzymatic inhibitors.
By now you are aware that these can have different adverse side effects.
It would be better to help the body react, instead of inhibiting it.
For those of you who have read this far--Congratulations!! If you can
absorb the foregoing and stay on the journey for knowledge on enzymes,
your reward will come in learning how enzymes are being used therapeutically
to cure most diseases, prevent most illness and even go so far as to correct
genetic problems.
By now you know that enzymes are protein molecules necessary for life.
There are three main groups of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes
and food enzymes. Although most of this series of articles will concentrate on
‘metabolic’ enzymes and therapeutic research, I do want to touch on the other
two groups here.
Food enzymes are naturally present in all raw foods, and provide an outside
source of digestive enzymes when consumed. Modern food processing techniques
and all types of cooking destroy almost 100% of these enzymes. Cooking at
any temperature over 118° F, virtually destroys this type of enzyme. This in turn
means that a heavier burden is placed on the digestive enzymes in the body.
We can say that in spite of the different foods we eat, they are all made of
carbohydrates, proteins and fat. To be able to utilize these, we also need three
groups of digestive enzymes:
- Proteolytic enzymes--degraders of proteins
- Lipolytic enzymes---degraders of fat
- Amylolytic enzymes--degraders of carbohydrates
The digestive process is really an enzymatic transformation that begins the
moment we place a piece of food in our mouth. As usual in nature, there is an
order in which this happens. Carbohydrates are first degraded, then albumins
(proteins) and finally fat.
Enzymes not only degrade foods, they also play a specific role in the process
of absorption of substances. There are several enzymes that are essential as
transporters of the nutrient substances.
Most commercial dog/cat foods are essentially ‘dead’ and rely totally on
digestive enzymes to obtain nutrition. The problem here is that when the
digestive enzymes are overworked, the body identifies the incompletely
digested food molecules as foreign ‘antigens’ (bad guys). When this happens,
the ‘metabolic’ enzymes are called on to mobilize macrophage leukocytes
(these are the good guys that clean up the garbage) to digest the food. The
problem here is that these are taken from their ‘immune system’ duties and
we end up with a weakened immune system causing all kinds of other
I hope from the above you will understand the underlying reason to
strongly consider a raw diet for your pet. This is truly the best way of providing
enough ‘food’ enzymes to allow the ‘digestive enzymes’ to do their job
most effectively.
If you must compromise, please recognize that adding ‘live’ food to the
diet does help, but don’t count on it doing the whole job. Raw food provides
enough enzymes to digest that particular food only! There are no extra
enzymes provided to digest cooked or processed food.
If nothing else, you should now understand the basic reason for adding
a good quality (live) ‘digestive’ enzyme such as ‘Prozyme’, to your animal’s
diet. You should also now be able to distinguish between the ‘sense’ and
‘nonsense’ of the so called 100% complete dog food in a bag!!
From all of the foregoing you should now be getting your first clues as to
‘why’ we have experienced the large increase in ‘auto-immune’ problems over
the last few decades.
Before getting into the subject of ‘metabolic’ enzymes, I want to remind
you that it is important to remember that ‘medicine’ does not heal. In the strict
sense of the word, doctors and veterinarians do not ‘cure’ any disease. All of
them can contribute in different ways to support the body, but the healing
and the maintenance of health is a task done by the body’s own defense
The defense mechanisms of the body are fortified by the enzymes. When
someone gets sick of any disease we can be sure that something is wrong with
his/her enzymes. If the enzymes had been able to eliminate the cause of the
disease, the body would not have become sick.
Faulty enzymes in the body can be caused by genetic defects and/or by
environmental conditions. For example, in humans there have been more than
150 diseases that are due directly to ‘enzymatic defects’ genetically
preconditioned. This means that the patient’s organism does not form a
specific enzyme or it manufactures a similar enzyme which has only ‘weak’
activity that replaces the right one.
What we logically must do, in almost any disease, is to replace the type and
quantity of the required enzymes as soon as possible. The body will automatically
do the rest. Of course, enzymes can also be taken as a preventive measure
against many diseases.
Enzymes are ‘natural agents. This means that they do not alter the physiology
of the body, instead, they just stimulate the body to act according to its own inner
wisdom. This is fascinating in that enzymes will work only if they are needed to
do so!! From a safety point of view, you should note that no toxicity level has
ever been found.
More scientists are taking an interest in ‘systemic enzyme therapy’ and are
starting to realize that ‘orthodox’ medicine can only offer "suppression" remedies.
Supporting the body’s natural immune system is finally being recognized as the
wave of the future.
We've already mentioned that the defense systems of the body are fortified
by the enzymes. I’m going to try to simplify how this works so bear with me while
we make sure that some of the words used are clear.
In describing functions of the immune system there are four main terms used
that must be understood. The first of these is the word "antigen". Basically this is
the enemy! The body recognizes a substance that doesn’t belong there (such as a
virus, bacteria, chemical substance, or mutated cells) as an "antigen."
In response to the presence of these antigens, the body produces "antibodies."
The main function of an antibody is to combine with an antigen and render it
harmless. Antibodies are also large molecules similar in size to that of an enzyme.
Antibodies are also called gammaglobulins.
When an antibody couples with and antigen it forms an "immune complex."
To clear the system of the unwanted "immune complex" the body uses a
"macrophage." I’ve referred to these guys before as the garbage collectors of the
immune system. They are in charge of destroying these immune complexes
enzymatically. I don’t know what union they belong to but these macrophages only
look for large immune complexes, so sometimes the medium size immune complexes
are ignored.
These ignored complexes begin to flow through the lymphatic system and
bloodstream until they finish up sticking on a tissue wall, penetrating that tissue.
Eventually they are stored there. From that moment on, these "immune complexes"
become pathogenic—that is, they can cause a disease.
During this situation we also find macrophages less active because the more
immune complexes we have, the less get cleaned up. (Union rules say only so much
work per macrophage. Overdo it and we go on slowdown strike). We have then
arrived at a vicious circle, where one bad situation produces the other bad situation
and that in turn produces the first situation.
When the number of immune complexes is so high, the second defense system
of the body is alerted. (The garbage is piled so high that somebody finally calls
City Hall to do something about it.)
You’ll remember from other sections of our "Journey" that the second immune
system is called the "complement system". It is also made of a cascade of nine enzymes
activated one by one. When the whole enzymatic cascade has been activated, a
huge dissolving activity of albumins begins and this causes an inflammatory reaction.
Consequently, not only the garbage is destroyed but also the surrounding
tissue. Suddenly that which we call an "auto immune disease" arises and the organism
attacks itself. (Trust the boys at City Hall to over react and wipe out the city to
get rid of the rats!)
There is a long list of diseases elicited by the activation of the complement
system. All of them are so-called "auto immune diseases". Until recently they were
considered as incurable.
Modern research has led to a method of interrupting the cascade of the
complement system by diluting enzymatically the pathogenic immune complexes
and activating the macrophages. In this way they are interrupting the vicious circle
that leads to chronic degenerative diseases.
Specific enzymes are used to dissolve and to eliminate immune complexes.
They also stimulate the body’s defenses and accelerate inflammatory mechanisms.
In the beginning of the treatment it may appear that things are getting worse.
This is because the enzymes are taking the immune complexes back to the
bloodstream. Thus there is a greater quantity of circulating immune complexes
and this can temporarily increase the symptoms in the patient.
Enzymes are not anti-inflammatory drugs, instead they promote inflammation.
Inflammation is a natural response of the body to rid itself of a noxious stimulus.
Most of us look at inflammation as something bad. It should not be so. It is simply
the tool our body uses in trying to get rid of the harmful foreign agents. When
inflammation ends, the body repairs the area affected. So if the inflammation
finishes sooner, the repair will begin earlier. That’s the reason why enzymes are
promoters instead of inhibitors of inflammation. Enzymes can help the body
"heal" itself!
By promoting the breakdown of toxic metabolites and inflammatory products,
enzymes thus contribute substantially to the detoxification of the body. They
serve to promote the body’s own regenerative processes.
In many parts of the world, enzyme research is leading to new therapies that
are exciting and effective. For example in Vienna, enzyme therapies are being
used to treat cancer. The use of enzymes in the treatment of HIV infection is
being investigated and looks promising. Another field of application for enzymes
is substitution in genetic defect disorders. The list goes on and on.
By having at least a little basic knowledge on enzymes you should now be
able to better understand the underlying benefits of utilizing a totally natural
rearing method for your animals.
Without proper nutrition, the co-enzymes (i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace
elements, etc.) are not available for the proper production of health supporting
enzymes. You now have an awareness of the dangers of "suppression" with drugs,
antibiotics and steroids. By answering the simple question of "am I helping or
hindering" the enzymes of the body, you can determine the effectiveness of
your health care program.