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Journey Into Learning: Vaccinations


  • Rabies: The Big Scam by Dr. John Fudens, D.V.M.
    "The practice of annual vaccinations lacks scientific validity or verification. There is no immunological requirement for annual vaccinations..."

  • The UK Vaccination Survey
    From England comes a report on the preliminary results of a well structured survey concerning possible health problems resulting from vaccination of dogs.

    What are they and how do they work?

Conventional and Holistic

  • Vaccinations
    An in-depth article on something we've all been mislead to believe: Vaccinations are a necessary part of life.

The Immune System

  • The Immune System and How it Works
    The immune system is perhaps one of the most complex and fascinating systems of the body. Read this in-depth article that explains in simple terms how the immune system functions.


  • Enzymes: The Master Key to Health
    In this article on enzymes, we will bring you some of the latest scientific research. It will help to explain why nutritional deficiencies can be a major factor in disease.
